Tif for Tabble
Tif for Tabble
Strange Brews
Hey! What's that strange brews?? Well it's Tif for Tabble for new beer (and fun and games and laughter of course!)
The boys drink 3 new beers that were purchased based just on their labels. Let's see what happens.
The Tabble in 3 parts.
Part 1- Hanamachi
Do you boys hold any secrets from each other? You'll find out in this fun game of 2 Truths and a Lie!
Part 2- Rince Cochon
In one of the wildest games ever played on T4T the boys open a can of fart putty and well... I think you'll just have to listen! If you love this segment and want to hear more please email us and let us know that you're a thumbs up for "What What's in the Putt?"
Part 3- Petrus - Aged Red
Holland reveals something to Carlos that is not only very personal but is also glaringly obvious. From here the boys talk about great comebacks and how Holland wishes he could go back and do it right this time.
Would you like to share it on the Tabble? Please reach out anytime!
Would you like to read our Outro?
Record yourself saying something like this!
Thanks for listening to Tif for Tabble. If you want to talk to the boys, tell them a story, ask them a question or have any requests at all, email t4tcast@gmail.com. That’s T the number 4, T cast @gmail.com
And feel free to add in something of your own!
We'd love to have you leave us a review! Make it fun and we'll read it on a future episode.
Thank you for all the LOVE and SUPPORT! Please feel free to reach out, we'd love to hear from you... yes you!
-Questions for the Tif for Tabble boys? email us!
-Follow us on Instagram for extra show goodies!